Selling Tips Should You Sell Now? The Lifestyle Factors That Could Tip the Scale Should You Sell Now?  If you’ve had any thoughts about selling, it’s a good bet now is the right time.  But make sure.  Why are you thinking to sell?  If you end up in a better financial position, great.  But lifestyle usually is the driving force.  Family.  Retirement. New Job.  Maybe just a fresh start.  […]
Strategy & Market Observations How the Economy Impacts Mortgage Rates There are a lot of factors affecting mortgage rates, the housing and property investing market, and the economy as a whole.  It’s important to have a good understanding of how job growth, unemployment, inflation, and the federal funds rate influences our daily life and long term plans. As someone who’s thinking about buying or selling a home, you’re probably […]
Home Buyer What Mortgage Rate Are You Waiting For? The mortgage rate you lock in today is not permanent.  It’s a way to get started.  Decide the rate you want based on your budget and work from there.  Like all valuable things, you manage that expense over time.  When rates drop, you refinance. You won’t find anyone who’s going to argue that mortgage rates have had […]
Specialty & Investment Property Your Home Is a Powerful Investment Owning a home (or several properties) is one of the few consistently reliable means to build generational wealth.  Over the long term, the facts are supported by data:  your home is a powerful investment Going into 2023, there was a lot of talk about a possible recession that would cause the housing market to crash. Some in […]
Selling Tips One Mistake Sellers So Often Make: Overpricing Their House Price your home to sell, not to sit!  An overpriced home wastes your time.  MAYBE you’ll get that one buyer to pay too much for your home.  Maybe.  More likely, you lose the power of “new on the market”, see very little foot traffic, and no offers, then you lower your listing price below where […]
Credit Info What Credit Score Do You Really Need To Buy a House? What is the minimum credit score you need to buy a property?  That depends on the property, and you. When you’re thinking about buying a home, your credit score is one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle. Think of it like your financial report card that lenders look at when trying to figure out if […]
Selling Tips Thinking of Selling? You Want an Agent with These Skills Be sure to look into the agent’s skillset, and maybe work history (linkedin?) to be sure that is the professional you want to hire. What about their past deals.  How many?  Your friend’s spouse may be a realtor, but is that the single qualification you’re looking for?  Sometimes you need more. Selling your house is […]
Selling Tips Know before you sell! Where Will You Go After You Sell? Moving.  Selling a property.  There’s a lot to consider.  It’s best to have a plan with deadlines so the process can move along smoothly. Below is some good info to consider.  Want a detailed solution now?  Call or text to me today! Dave Jensen @ 615-495-7531 and use this Move Meter tool to help you […]
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Selling Tips Pricing Your House Right Always Matters Look at the big picture.  If it doesn’t appraise for the price you want to sell, the buyers likely can’t get a loan on it anyway so the deal won’t close.  Do you want to sell the place fast and move on to the next chapter of your life?  Or price it high and watch […]
Home Buyer Helpful Negotiation Tactics for any Housing Market In all cases, buyers and sellers need to be ready with a negotiating plan that works for them.  This is the case in any market.  There are a lot of moving parts in each deal.  Some are easy – based on money, but others have to do with time or specialty services.  Know the tools […]
Selling Tips Should You Rent Out or Sell Your House? All who know me will tell you, I always advise to accumulate assets and don’t sell unless you have to, or can make a better return on the next acquisition.   With homes, some are great as rentals while others, you just need sell so you can extract the most equity and get into another productive […]
Home Buyer More Than a House: The Emotional Benefits of Homeownership Always keep an eye on the non financial benefits of a decision With all the headlines and talk about housing affordability, it can be tempting to get lost in the financial side of buying a home. That’s only natural as you think about the dollars and cents of it all. And while you ultimately need to be able […]
Home Buyer How To Determine if You’re Ready To Buy a Home Do you want to be ready?  Take a hard look at where you are in life and decide what you want to achieve in the next 1, 3, and 6 years.  Buying a home is a great stabilizing force in most people’s lives.  But it’s not for everyone all the time.  Review your finances and […]
Home Buyer A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly There is a seasonality to new homes too.  Know when the incentives go up and why and plan to capture that benefit. Builders incentives change dramatically at different times of the year and different times of the development cycle.  If you want more info on that part of the strategy, reach out to me anytime.  […]
Selling Tips Why Fixing Up Your House Can Help It Sell Faster Plan ahead and enjoy a more satisfying outcome.  If you’re thinking about selling your house, you should know there are buyers who are ready and able to pay today’s high prices. But they want a home that’s move-in ready. A recent press release from Redfin explains: “Buyers are still out there and they’re willing to pay today’s high […]
Specialty & Investment Property Your Place to Stay – Second Home and Vacation Properties Have you ever thought of buying vacation properties?   Do you have a favorite vacation spot?  Or is there some town you visit often?   If you manage it right, vacation properties can pay for your vacation and may help lower your personal tax bill and help grow your wealth faster at the same time! […]
Home Buyer These Non-Financial Benefits Turn a House into a Happy Home It’s not just the price of the home to consider. More important is how the new place will bring together family and friends.   The home gives stability to families and friends There’s no denying the long-term financial benefits of owning a home, but today’s housing market may have you wondering if now’s still the time to buy. […]
Strategy & Market Observations Focus on Time in the Market, Not Timing the Market Should you buy a home now or should you wait? That’s a big question on many people’s minds today. And while what timing is right for you will depend on a lot of other personal factors, here’s something you may not have considered. If you’re able to buy at today’s rates and prices, it may be better to focus on time in […]
Strategy & Market Observations Do Elections Impact the Housing Market? A nice read below with some clear graphics so you can be informed. The 2024 Presidential election is just months away. As someone who’s thinking about potentially buying or selling a home, you’re probably curious about what effect, if any, elections have on the housing market. It’s a great question because buying or selling a home is a major decision, and it’s natural […]
Credit Info How expensive is a low credit score when getting a mortgage This post is updated to reflect mortgage rates as of June2024 . . When it comes to getting a mortgage, it’s best to know exactly how expensive a lower credit score can be. . . Broadcast news often reports a single mortgage rate as the national average for a 30year fixed rate conventional mortgage.  It’s […]